Oct. 27- Student Pictures went home today!
Nov. 2- Field Trip! We're off to the University of Utah to see the show Blast! at Kingsbury Hall. Following the show we'll take a tour of the campus. The bus leaves Butler at 9:00am- don't be late!! We should return to school by 1:45pm.
Nov. 3- Spelling Assignments Due. Links to Spelling Words are posted on the right side of the blog. Each student was given a Reading Practice Book this week. The spelling words and assignments are located in the book. This week we are working on "Climb or Die" words on pg.44, 45, 46, 47. Additionally, the students were given a worksheet with 3 spelling assignments (practice test, choose 5 words to write in a complete sentence, and write your words 3 times each).
Nov. 3 & 4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences. A letter went home this week with a reminder of conference time and date. If you can't make it, contact Mrs. Bauman. See you there!
Nov. 7- Science Fair Project Proposal Assignment Due. See Science Fair Info Below.
Nov. 16th - Field Trip! 6th Grade will be visiting the Miller Campus of Salt Lake Community College on Wednesday, November 16th for GIS Day. They’ll be learning about Geographic Information System technology, and about careers related to geo-spatial technology. We will be having lunch on campus if the weather is nice, or we will have lunch back in our classrooms if the weather is poor. Either way we’ll miss our scheduled lunch period so students will need a cold lunch. ON the note that went home, please indicate if you will supply one from home or purchase one from school.
Nov. 18- Book Report Due Fantasy or Science Fiction. Please be reading from that genre. More info coming soon on the report format.
Science Fair!
Science Fair participation is required of all 6th grade students. It will take place Feb. 1, 2012. Parents will be given details of the timeline and project requirements at conferences. Students received a Science Fair Notebook that will serve as a revised copy of each step. In addition, students will need another folder or notebook to keep an excellent record of brainstorming, thought process, and revisions of each step. All students should be exploring science interests and topics now. Project Proposal Sheet will be due Nov. 7.
A few resources that may prove helpful:
Books from the library about science fair projects.
Science Buddies
http://www.slvsef.com/ (Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair)
We are also in the process of creating a blog dedicated to information for the Butler 5th and 6th Grade Science Fair. Here is the link to that.
School Science Fair Website
As a heads up, here is a list of each portion and its respective due date.
Project Proposal due November 7th
Research due November 28th
Hypothesis & Materials due November 30th
Experimental Design due December 5th
Observations &Data Collection due January 14th
Graphing due January 16th
Analysis & Conclusions due January 18th
Display Board due January 27th
School Science Fair on February 1st-3rd
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Witches Craft Day
The link refers to a sheet of items needed to participate. As always, please let me know if you have trouble obtaining items.
The link refers to a sheet of items needed to participate. As always, please let me know if you have trouble obtaining items.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Important Dates and Reminders
Important Dates:
Oct 20-21 - No School - Fall Break
Oct 24- Reflections and Monster Assignments Due
Reflections- Theme: "Diversity Means" This is a required assignment for Mrs.Bauman's class. Go to http://www.utahpta.org/ for complete rules, entry forms, and consent forms.
Oct 24-27- Red Ribbon Week
Monday- Be Drug Free from Head to Toe! Wear your craziest hairdo and socks.
Tuesday -Let's Team up on Drugs! Wear clothes that represent your favorite team or sport.
Wednesday- Put a Cap on Drugs! Wear your most interesting hat or cap.
Thursday- Spirit Day "Bobcats are Paws-itively Drug Free!" Wear your Bobcat shirt or a Red T-shirt
Oct 28- No School - Teacher work day
Oct 31- Halloween Carnival
Students may bring costumes to school for the annual PTA Halloween Carnival. The 6th graders will attend from 2-2:40pm. Please remind students to keep costumes appropriate and within school dress code guidelines (ie no masks, boys may not dress as girls, no tank tops, etc).
Volunteers and Candy Donations needed. Please contact Mrs. Bauman via e-mail if you would like to help.
Nov. 2-3 - Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 4- No School - Teacher comp. day
Oct 20-21 - No School - Fall Break
Oct 24- Reflections and Monster Assignments Due
Reflections- Theme: "Diversity Means" This is a required assignment for Mrs.Bauman's class. Go to http://www.utahpta.org/ for complete rules, entry forms, and consent forms.
Oct 24-27- Red Ribbon Week
Monday- Be Drug Free from Head to Toe! Wear your craziest hairdo and socks.
Tuesday -Let's Team up on Drugs! Wear clothes that represent your favorite team or sport.
Wednesday- Put a Cap on Drugs! Wear your most interesting hat or cap.
Thursday- Spirit Day "Bobcats are Paws-itively Drug Free!" Wear your Bobcat shirt or a Red T-shirt
Oct 28- No School - Teacher work day
Oct 31- Halloween Carnival
Students may bring costumes to school for the annual PTA Halloween Carnival. The 6th graders will attend from 2-2:40pm. Please remind students to keep costumes appropriate and within school dress code guidelines (ie no masks, boys may not dress as girls, no tank tops, etc).
Volunteers and Candy Donations needed. Please contact Mrs. Bauman via e-mail if you would like to help.
Nov. 2-3 - Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 4- No School - Teacher comp. day
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are Nov. 2 & 3
Follow the instructions below for signing up with the new Online Scheduler available on the home page of the school website. Look for this link:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences have been scheduled for Nov. 2 &3 (Wednesday and Thursday) for all students. Parents need to come to their scheduled PT/SEP conference ready to set goals for the rest of the school year. Parents need to be on time for their conferences and understand that teachers need to keep their scheduled conference times. If you find you need more time with the teacher, please feel free to ask the teacher for another time to conference with her.Mr. Wolf, our resource teacher, will have set appointment times.
Mrs. Kofoes, our speech therapist, will have set appointment times both days until 5pm.
Mrs. Vigos, our guidance specialist, will be available Thursday.
Mrs. Winfree, our academic coach, will be available Thursday.
Conferences are being scheduled differently this year.
Parents will access teacher schedules by going to Butler's website and choosing the link at the top of the page that says "Online Scheduler." The window to sign up will be open Oct. 14-Oct. 26. Any family that has not signed up will be placed in the first available spot, but you still need to access the scheduler to find your time. Both Mr. Wololf and Mrs. Kofoed will have online conference times. Please remember to sign-up with them also. Please follow the instructions below.1) Visit the school's homepage http://butler.canyonsdistrict.org/ and select the Online scheduler icon/link.
2) From the Online Scheduler Home Page:
a) Choose your student's school from the drop down list and click "GO."
b) Enter the School password bobcat.
c) Enter your student's "Student ID". If you do not know their Student ID, use the LOOKUP STUDENT ID button to access the system.
d) Verify the student's birth date.
e) A list of your student's teachers will be displayed. Check the box next to the name of each teacher(s) you would like to meet with. Remember to check Mrs. Kofoed and Mr. Wolf at this point.
f) If you have more than one student in the school you can see all of your students teachers' schedules at one time by answering YES to this question "Do you want to schedule conferences for another student?" then repeat the steps above for your other students. If you have only one student, answer NO to that question.
g) You will then see the available time slots for each teacher you selected.
h) Select the times that work best for your schedule.
i) Enter the e-mail address (recommended) if you would like an e-mail reminder sent to you. (Your e-mail address is kept private.)
j) Once you have finished you can confirm your appointment details and print your conference schedule.
k) Write down the Confirmation Number (you will need this number to cancel your appointment.)
**One suggestion is to sign up as soon as you can if you need to see more than one teacher so the times can be scheduled close together.
*****If you have questions, please feel free to call the school - (801) 826-7975.
Physical Fitness Awards
Presidential Physical Fitness Award
Morgan Davis
Lauren Genna
Sarah Stowers
Carter Sloots
Jacob Nielson
Sophie George
Elizabeth Fox
Logan Dunkley
Milan Davis
Ashlyn Cerise
Presidential Physical Fitness Award
- Wow! These kids are seriously fit! This award recognizes students who achieve an outstanding level of physical fitness.
Morgan Davis
Lauren Genna
- National Physical Fitness Award
- Impressive! These kids clearly have a great fundamental level of fitness.
Sarah Stowers
Carter Sloots
Jacob Nielson
Sophie George
Elizabeth Fox
Logan Dunkley
Milan Davis
Ashlyn Cerise
Friday, October 7, 2011
Upcoming Assignments and Events
Some Upcoming Assignments
- Students are working on a short fable, a couple of paragraphs to a full page. Each student got a subject (like "how the snake lost it's legs"). The story needs to have the following elements: talking animals; a beginning, middle, and end; a moral; and a picture to illustrate the fable. This was assigned on 10/6 and is due on Wednesday, October 12th.
- We have two more weeks of current event assignments before we take a break from them for awhile. The current event is assigned on Monday and due on Thursday.
- Every student should be working on a Reflection submission with the theme "Diversity Means..."
- The Mystery/Ghost Story Book report is due on Wednesday, October 19th, and the format is a Mystery Mansion/Haunted House. Directions and example are in another blog post.
- Picture Day is on Thursday, October 13th. I'll send the Picture Envelops on Monday.
- Red Ribbon Week is on Oct. 24th - Oct. 27th. We'll send home a reminder, but the basic daily themes are: Monday- Crazy Hair and Socks, Tuesday - Favorite Sports Team Cloths, Wednesday-Interesting Hat or Cap, Thursday - Bobcat Spirit Day.
- 6th Grade will have a craft day on October 27th. We'll be making Witches. Next week we'll be sending home a list of items needed. These always turn out so cute. They are keepers for sure!
- On Wednesdday, November 2nd, Sixth Grade will visit Kingsbury Hall at the University of Utah to see BLAST!- "Winner of a Tony Award for "Best Special Theatrical Event," BLAST! brings together 35 brass, percussion, and visual performers in an explosion of music and theatre. Born on athletic fields across the nation, BLAST! is a thrilling performance of athleticism, musical talent, kaleidoscopic movement, and competitive showmanship."-Kingsbury Hall Website. The performance will be followed by a walking tour of the University of Utah. We hope this will inspire an interest in college life, and excitement for their future education. We'll be lunching on campus, so a lunch order preference will be sent home on Monday.
October Book Report
Go to the following link for directions for the book report. Students received a hard copy and instrction on how to make this report. They are welcome to use paper from the classroom stock.
Presidential Fitness Mile Run
Despite the chilly weather, our students took a brisk mile and a half walk to Brighton High School Track, each student ran one mile around the track, and then we walked back to school. Don't be too surprised if your child want to go to bed early tonight! From most of the student's I talked with, I gather that they felt a real sense of accomplishment for completing this arduous event. Whether or not they qualified for Presidential or National times, they did a great job! Enjoy a couple of pictures from our day.
Monday, October 3, 2011
To help keep your student on track with their assignments, please go over their planner with them each night. We have an assignment board in class. Everything that we work on gets written down, and we go over it at the end of every day. This is one of the most important organizational skills that your student can learn! Here is an example of what the board looks like in school. Student should transfer the information into their planners.
I think this years' Reflections Contest subject matter is so relevant in society today. I am requiring that each student participate this year. Students can put in as much effort as they choose, but I'd like them to consider the theme "Diversity means..." and create a nice, well thought entry for the contest. Below is a link to information about the different genres of possible entries. Students received a hard copy in class as well.
2011-2012 PTA Reflections Program
“Diversity Means…”
Why Should Children Participate in the PTA Reflections Program?
When children express themselves through words, pictures, music, photography, and other various art forms, they grow intellectually. As children experience the creative process, they learn to analyze their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. They learn to look at things, people, and experiences in a fresh and exciting way, and become more interested in the ideas and works of others. Some of the greatest scientific discoveries made in the world came through the imaginative process, not the scientific laboratory. PTA’s Reflections Program helps parents encourage and recognize their children’s continuous self-discovery process.
Art Categories
· Students may submit works in any of the eight art categories:
Dance Choreography Visual Arts Musical Composition
Film Production 3-D Art Photography
Literature Theatre
The Theme of This Year’s Reflection Program is “Diversity means . . .
A dictionary definition of diversity is “Many people or things that differ from each other.” What does it mean to you?
Entry Checklist
_____ Follow the rules
· For a full list of rules please go to the following link: www.ptareflections.org/cs/general_student_rules. **Each category has its own set of rules.
· Each entry must be the work of only one student.
· Assistance from teachers, parents, or friends is not permitted (except as models or performers). Participation in Reflections encourages creativity and exploration—students should do their best, but crooked lines, incorrect musical notes, or misspelled words do not disqualify anyone.
· Utah PTA has a limit of one (1) entry per student per category.
· For more entry forms go to http://www.utahpta.org/reflections or forms will be available in the office.
· Please review the rules carefully. Entries that do not follow the category rules will not be eligible for judging.
· Entries will be judged on artistic merit, creativity, mastery of the medium, and interpretation of the theme.
_____ Give entry/art piece a title and write an artist statement.
· An artist statement describes what inspired him/her to create the work and how it relates to the theme of “Diversity Means…” The artist statement is mandatory (younger students may dictate their artist statement to a parent).
_____ Submit entry to the office by 3:00 pm on Monday, October 24th.
· All entries must include the following completed forms:
_____ Student Entry Form (an e-mail address must be included)
_____ Utah Media Release Form (permission to publish child’s work)
_____ PTA Reflections Program Consent Form (if a person’s recognizable image or voice
is included in the submission, the signature of the person or guardian of person is required.)
Important Dates
Entries Due Date – Monday, October 24th, by 3:00 pm
Reflections Art Show – Wed. Nov.2nd & Thurs. Nov. 3rd 3:00pm–7:30 pm at Butler Elementary
· This is during Parent-teacher conferences.
Reflections Awards
· All entries will receive an award.
· Rewards will be presented the week of October 31st
Council Award Night – Tuesday, November 29th
· The Award of Excellence in each category will go on to compete at the Council level.
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