Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Brighton High Track - Fun Run- Friday, September 28th

We've arranged to take a walking field trip to Brighton High School to run the mile at the track for Presidential Physical Fitness. Students have been practicing since the first week of school and are building their endurance for this test day.

Afterwards we'll stop for a picnic at the pavilion behind CHRC on the way home. Please put this event on your calendars and expect a tired kid;)

Volunteer Opportunites

It was nice to meet many of you last week at Open House. Thanks for everyone who was able to sign the volunteer lists. Many of you expressed an interest in volunteering in our classroom. I have some volunteer opportunities that need to be filled soon. Take a look and email me soon. I'll work with your availability.

  • We are still in need of a Main Room Parent. You would be the liaison between PTA sponsored activities and our classroom.  You'll receive a list of parents who are able to volunteer, so you can get help with your assignments. There is a Room Parent Orientation coming up soon where you'll learn about what you'll need to help with throughout the year. It's completely acceptable to co - Room Parent if you know another parent in the class who might like to share the responsibility.
  • We need someone to teach Meet the Masters this year. Helping with Meet the Masters requires a couple of hours a month, and you actually get to come in and teach your child's class and art project. You don't necessarily need to be "artistic", and you'll have step by step directions on how to teach each project. Michelle Wolfenbarger heads this program, and you can email her at or call her at 801-944-5422(home) or 801-243-2657(cell). Please let me know, too, so I can call off my search.
  • I need someone to come into the classroom to help me with all the "new school year" paperwork. Each student brings has some documents that need to be sorted, tracked and filed. 
  • I would love to have someone come on Friday afternoons to score spelling tests and help other odds and ends from the week.
  • I would also appreciate if someone who could come in on Monday's to track Road to Success, our independent reading rewards program at Butler.
  • We will start practicing for our Presidential Fitness Tests next week. Some of these tests are one by one, so it involves a lot of waiting around on the students' part. I thought it would be much more fun this year if someone could come in and lead half the class in a P.E. activity, while I test the other half . Then we'll switch. You would be working with about 12 students at a time. Our P.E. time is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday's from 11:15-11:45. Therefore you would have each group for about 15 minutes.
  • When we test for the Fitness tests, we would like to have some volunteers help with that as well. The testing will happen at the end of the month. Details will follow.
Thank you for your time. We need you, and additional opportunities will come up if you can't help with any of these. My email is

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today students conducted a consumer experiment to determine which brand of paper towel absorbs the most water (and to practice scientific method!) Ask your student which brand is the true "quicker picker upper".

Please come to Back to School Night at Butler. 

Thursday, September 6th at 6:00pm

There will be 15 minute rotating sessions in each classroom, so you can visit multiple teachers.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August 2012

Dear Parents,

Welcome! We had a successful first week of 6th grade. We spent time getting to know one another and learning about our school rules and classroom expectations. We also began working on our curriculum goals. I’ve enjoyed getting to know your student and their particular interests and abilities.
In sixth grade we have a lot going on. One way of keeping up with what we are doing in our classes is through your student’s planner. Students are required to record all assignments and topics of focus. They should check them off as they are completed. We do this together as a class at the end of everyday.

Another way of keeping up with your student’s schoolwork and activities is through the class blog. You can access this through the following website.
I’ll be updating this site regularly, but if you sign on as a follower, you will receive an email notification when something new is added.

More information about this school year will be available next week, both through a 6th Grade Welcome Packet and on “Back to School Night”. Please try to attend one of the three sessions in our classroom.  I’ll present some information and give you a chance to ask any questions that you may have.

While we have provided each student with most of the items needed for school this year, it would be helpful if students could bring the following materials.  If this is not possible, please tell your student to let me know.

  • One binder (at least 1.5 inches in size, with pockets!)
  • One set of binder dividers
  • A highlighter
  • A blank check register from a bank (please send extras if you don’t use them)
  • Tissues (donations)
  • Sanitizing wipes (donations)
  • Hand sanitizer (donations)
  • Dry erase markers (donations)
  • Regular makers (donations)

Finally, if you have any other questions or concerns please email me at