Friday, September 2, 2011

Student Body Government

Students interested in SBO prepared speeches and spoke to their peers today about their strengths, their hopes for this school year, and their desire to lead Butler students in making our school a better place. As teachers, Miss Tucker and I were so impressed by the quality of these speeches, and the qualifications of these students.
Alas, there can be only three! So the sixth graders voted for their favorites, and the top six vote receivers will move on to final elections next Friday. Congratulations to Taemour D., Alexxis W., Nathan W., Lindsey S., Katie B., and Chloe Y.
Also congratulations everyone for doing such an amazing job on your speeches, for representing yourselves so well, and for having the courage to speak to your peers.

Jacob N.

Taemour D.

Jack D.

Chloe Y.

Katie B.

MacKenzie L

Lindsey S.
Alexxis W. - (sorry about the sideways format)

Nathan W.

Eric Wagner

Lillian D.

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