Monday, January 9, 2012

Upcoming Events!

This week:
Monday 1/9 - Students will have the opportunity to examine rare books thanks to a visit from the University of Utah.
Tuesday 1/10 - Students have been invited to attend the Butler Middle school dance performance. We will be walking over to Butler Middle right after lunch.

At the end of January, sixth graders will have a Craft Day. we will be making some cute snowmen. Look for a materials list to come home at the end of this week. I'll post it too.

Valentine's Dance will be on Friday, February 10th during school. A note was sent home last week announcing a meeting for parent volunteers on Monday Jan. 9 at 3:15. If you can't make it, but you would like to help out, just send a note with your student, and I'll forward your information to the committee heads.

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