Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011


Spelling words for 12/5-12/9 were sent home this week with a Santa Worksheet.  Please see list at side of blog, List 8 December 5. 

Next week we will not have a spelling list.  Instead, we will have an informal spelling bee to review. 

Gingerbread House Craft-  12/16/11
To celebrate the holidays, we'll make gingerbread houses on December 16.  Here is a list of the needed supplies.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via e-mail or phone at school.

To participate, your student will need the following items:

o   One sturdy base to build the house upon (a cookie sheet or cardboard covered with foil)
o   A box of graham crackers
o   One premade recipe of icing (see below)
o   Frame to support the house (please don’t exceed 8’x8’, a little cardboard box works fine)
o   A variety of candy decorations

1 lb. powdered sugar
1 tsp. cream of tartar
3 egg whites
Beat all ingredients until very stiff. Use as glue for assembling house. Icing will harden as it sits, so keep in an airtight container with a damp paper towel. 

Helpful Hints:  may take 15-20 minutes of beating and don’t get any yoke in it!)

Food Drive-  December 1-15
Students in Grades 5 and 6 are conducting a 2 week food drive to help replenish the empty shelves at the Utah Food Bank.  Please send non-perishable food items to school. 

Each class that collects 150 lbs. of food will earn an extra 30-minute recess.


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