Monday, October 3, 2011


I think this years' Reflections Contest subject matter is so relevant in society today. I am requiring that each student participate this year. Students can put in as much effort as they choose, but I'd like them to consider the theme "Diversity means..." and create a nice, well thought entry for the contest. Below is a link to information about the different genres of possible entries. Students received a hard copy in class as well.

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2011-2012 PTA Reflections Program
 “Diversity Means…”

Why Should Children Participate in the PTA Reflections Program?
When children express themselves through words, pictures, music, photography, and other various art forms, they grow intellectually. As children experience the creative process, they learn to analyze their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. They learn to look at things, people, and experiences in a fresh and exciting way, and become more interested in the ideas and works of others. Some of the greatest scientific discoveries made in the world came through the imaginative process, not the scientific laboratory. PTA’s Reflections Program helps parents encourage and recognize their children’s continuous self-discovery process.

Art Categories
·       Students may submit works in any of the eight art categories:
                        Dance Choreography                        Visual Arts                                    Musical Composition
   Film Production         3-D Art         Photography  
   Literature            Theatre

The Theme of This Year’s Reflection Program is “Diversity means . . .
A dictionary definition of diversity is “Many people or things that differ from each other.” What does it mean to you?

Entry Checklist
_____ Follow the rules
·       For a full list of rules please go to the following link: **Each category has its own set of rules.
·       Each entry must be the work of only one student.
·       Assistance from teachers, parents, or friends is not permitted (except as models or performers). Participation in Reflections encourages creativity and exploration—students should do their best, but crooked lines, incorrect musical notes, or misspelled words do not disqualify anyone.
·       Utah PTA has a limit of one (1) entry per student per category.
·       For more entry forms go to or forms will be available in the office.
·       Please review the rules carefully. Entries that do not follow the category rules will not be eligible for judging.
·       Entries will be judged on artistic merit, creativity, mastery of the medium, and interpretation of the theme.
_____ Give entry/art piece a title and write an artist statement.
·       An artist statement describes what inspired him/her to create the work and how it relates to the theme of “Diversity Means…” The artist statement is mandatory (younger students may dictate their artist statement to a parent).
_____ Submit entry to the office by 3:00 pm on Monday, October 24th.
·       All entries must include the following completed forms:
   _____ Student Entry Form (an e-mail address must be included)
       _____ Utah Media Release Form (permission to publish child’s work)
_____ PTA Reflections Program Consent Form (if a person’s recognizable image or voice
         is included in the submission, the signature of the person or guardian of person is required.)

Important Dates
Entries Due Date – Monday, October 24th, by 3:00 pm
Reflections Art Show – Wed. Nov.2nd & Thurs. Nov. 3rd 3:00pm–7:30 pm at Butler Elementary
·       This is during Parent-teacher conferences.
Reflections Awards
·       All entries will receive an award.
·       Rewards will be presented the week of October 31st
Council Award Night – Tuesday, November 29th
·       The Award of Excellence in each category will go on to compete at the Council level.

If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Kelly at or #801-272-2015
Or Annetta Hessenthaler at or #801-944-8009

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